Saturday, April 19, 2008

Discovering the nest

A year ago a family of birds built a nest in a bush in front of my house. I discovered it with three cute babies living there, anxious to be fed. Over the next several days I followed their progress and took pictures. My research helped me to determine that this was a Mockingbird family.

I wondered if the family would return this year and was disappointed when I thought they had found another place to build their nest. I left the old nest intact last year thinking that they might return to it, but no such luck.

About a week ago, I found one of the adult Mockingbirds perched on the hood of the Toyota truck that I park in front of my townhouse. He was sitting there looking in at my house, just as he had often done exactly a year ago. This made me hopeful that just maybe they had built a nest again. However, my search in the bush that day didn't reveal any new nests and the old nest was still vacant.

On Thursday, (April 17th), I was getting into my truck having left the house when I realized a bird had just flown out of the bush. Was the nest now in place? Carefully I walked over to discover the new nest with three perfect eggs.

I will be posting every weekday until the babies have gone through the process of hatching, growing and then leaving the nest. If you have questions, please post them and I will try to answer them.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Joey, I was thinking about those birds a few days ago, wondering if you were posting about them in a runner's thread. I couldn't remember what kind of birds they were. What got me to thinking about them was that my father decided that he wanted to cut down a huge old spruce that was in the middle of our front yard. I was disappointed that he chose this time of year, because I wondered how many birdie lives we were hurting. But what do you tell an 85 year old man when he gets set on doing something. Last night I came home from work and the tree was gone. I was glad to see this blog...