Monday, April 28, 2008

I thot I thaw a puddy tat....I did I did I did

A steady rain kept the nest quiet for most of the morning but when I went to check the nest in the early afternoon on Monday I was surprised to find only two babies. Both of them were hungry and anxious to eat.

I decided to check the bush and the ground to see if I could find the third baby. My thoughts were that just maybe one had fallen out of the nest and was on the ground and that just maybe I could save it. To my amazement I saw a cat snuggled at the base of the bush. After taking a picture, I chased the cat away and now will have to keep my eye open for his return. The next couple of weeks could be long.

A few minutes later Puddy Tat was sitting on a neighboring bank thinking through strategy.

1 comment:

Colette said...

Great shots of the cat! I was telling K about this this morning and she got that "look" on her face. The one where you don't want to hear the rest of the story lol. I notice how God made their little mouths so bright so they stand out clearly from the colors of the nest and their feathers.